10 Reasons To Quit Porn

quick tips Mar 01, 2020

Why quit porn? Better yet, why not quit porn?
For those of us who want to quit porn, when it gets hard and we feel like giving up, we need to remember our purpose, our vision, our passion, the reason why we got into this in the first place.
In grad school, I learned that the main thing is to keep "the main thing the main thing."
I've seen hundreds of Christian men begin the process of getting free from porn over the last eight years. And at this point I feel like I can predict who's going to succeed based on the strength and quality of their motivation.
So here are my top 10 reasons to quit porn:
  1. For yourself. You know this. Porn is not your best life. It's contributing to depression, to anxiety, to self hatred. And when you begin to quit, you will get your joy back, your peace back, and your self confidence will go through the roof as you experience victory.

  2. For your brain. Porn hijacks your brain. It's increasingly violent and unrealistic. It's affecting your sexual attractions so that you're not able to respond to a real relationship and a real human being in the same way.

  3. For your body. Erectile dysfunction has grown a ton because of porn. For men in their twenties like me, it used to be about 3% of us suffered from erectile dysfunction. Now it's about 30% and it's because of internet pornography. Your body will not function sexually as it's supposed to if you're still using porn. And not only for the sexual parts of your body, but also just for your energy, for your overall health, do it for your body.

  4. For your values. Do it because it's the right thing to do. Porn destroys lives on both sides of the screen, not just on your side. On the other side. There is a deep dark belly of sexual exploitation of human trafficking. The porn industry is all over the world and when we consume it, we contribute to that industry.

  5. For your faith. You are a son of the most high King. Your identity is in Christ. God is your father. Jesus is your brother, and the Holy spirit lives in you. What place does porn have in your life? It is so beneath you.  Your faith and your relationship with God is so important that nothing should get in the way, especially not pornography.

  6. For your marriage. Porn is going to hurt the people you love the most. If you're married, quitting porn is a must. If want to be married someday, you can actually save your marriage before it starts.

  7. For your family. What kind of father do you want to be? Do you want your kids to grow up with a dad who can't stop looking at porn? I don't think so.

  8. For your career. Do you want to be successful at what you do? Do you want to be creative and productive and and have all the energy and inspiration that you need to go out there and succeed in your career?  Well, porn is going to get in the way of that and it's going to destroy that if you let it.

  9. For your calling. God has given you gifts. God has given you dreams. God has given you a ministry of some kind. Don't let porn get in the way of that. Which one do you want to end up with in the end: God's dream for your life or porn?

  10. For your legacy. What kind of impact do you want to leave on this world? How will future generations be different because of you? Quitting porn right now can have huge ripple effects, not just on your faith and your family, but on the future of this world.

If you want to see some more reasons, go to

Whatever your motivation is for quitting porn, I fully support you and I want to be here for you on this journey.

Always remember this:

You are God's beloved son. In you, he is well-pleased!


Inside Out 2 And Porn

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